Friday, August 22, 2008

Water in the Mars planet was touched For The First Time

The Mars Scout program that was proclaimed by NASA has taken place for approximately 1 year. For this time they have succeeded in mapping some of his surfaces, took several sample the land, and now took several sample water from the red planet.

Example of water which is shaped piece of ice was hit and was felt by Phoenix Lander, one of the robots eskplorasi NASA. Menurut March, scientists from NASA, this piece of ice, in fact, it was found, 6 years ago by the Mars Odyssey, but just now could be touched and felt. The Wicked Witch, the duration of NASA scientists in this sample (apparently they also Narnia lover yes ..) now is in the depths inspection by experts from NASA. This success has also made NASA extend their mission until penghujung fiscal year which is September 30. The good work NASA, when here, we could start compiled our thing's at a March?


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