Thursday, August 21, 2008

50 Meanings of the dream (might believe or not)

1.Mimpi was given by the child: will receive the wealth.
2. The dream fought with someone but lost: will get embarrassed.
3. The dream sold in the market: the ugly Sign, because we will experience the difficulty in looking for the work.
4. The dream went through many thorns: will experience a failure against what uptil now was wanted by us.
5. The dream went on the bridge rocky: will get the safety.
6. The dream went very far: will get the long age.
7. The dream went on the way that had two directions: will experience the loss.
8. The dream quarrelled with the superior: will get praise from the Boss.
9. The dream saw the quarrelling husband and wife: will experience the decline in the health.
10. The dream broke up the person who was quarrelling: will be asked for by the opinion by the person to solve a problem.

11. The dream quarrelled with the other person: will receive the address that was very warm from the sweetheart

12. The dream fornicated with prostitute: get the faithful wife and was full of understanding.
13. The dream fornicated with the mother personally: experience is the loss or misfortune.
14. The dream fornicated with the widow: will meet the woman's daughter remains.
15. The dream fornicated with a girl: experience a loss.
16. The dream fornicated with a goddess / fairy: meet the child in perkimpoian.
17. The dream berziina in toilets: will be humility.
18. The dream saw the full moon following: get the very large profit.
19. The dream saw the moon has fallen: the experience is the difficulty.
20. The dream came heron birds always will be wrong to speak. Must be careful when speaking with another person.
21. The dream held dove birds receive the news or current events.
22. The dream to hear birds chirping voice: will get money.

23. The dream came canary birds singing in the cage: feel happiness.
24. The dream came sparrow: Plan an effort.
25. The dream came turtle dove birds: get a good son of his character.
26. The dream was the star enlightened us: to be encouraged.
27. The dream was the star has fallen: receive the blessing of the Lord.
28. The dream was the star has fallen on our house: receive happiness.
29. The dream crocodile had entered the house: get the benefits.
30. The dream saw the crocodile: a person who secretly bring misfortune upon us.
31. The dream came crocodile entered in time will successful.
32. The dream has distributed flowers to a friend: will be apart from the friend.
33. The dream has seen various flowers: feel happiness.
34. The dream is in love with love: love which was developed by us fertile growth.
35.'The dream began to love the experience : quarrel with our love.
36. The dream of a failure, it is love, can develop a love.
37. The dream saw was blood on the bed: experiencing difficulty.
38. The dream saw was blood: knows something that was very tasty.
39. The dream of wallet was someone who had not known: it will experience difficulty in undertaking the task.
40. The dream found the empty wallet: we get the real news do not want to hear from him again.
41. The dream was able to see the wallet that had been included in full of money: get the good fortune.
42. The dream saw a person Wore the tie : may be the best of luck.
43. The dream wore the tie: suffering from the illness.
44. The dream gave the pay / pay for the wife / husband: will the belief that the asia is love.
45. The dream was to pay: will the belief that superior authority.
46. The dream was able to see the boss distributed to pay for friends: get a job / new task.
47. The dream gave the official shall pay: it is wished to friends.
48. The dream has helped people affected by the earthquake: the experience will have a chance in the effort.
49. The dream was the dream has estimated the earthquake: the place of the original task.
50. The dream has something wrong tooth date: to be something wrong family who died.


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